Wednesday 13 April 2016

A Mixed Response

This is part of the Roman forum in Thessaloniki which we are visiting today as we follow in the steps of the apostle Paul. 

He did not have an easy time here. As was his usual practice, he started by teaching in the synagogue; Luke describes what was in effect a mini preaching series where on three Saturdays Paul sought to prove that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead. 

The response was mixed. Some did believe but a number were offended by what Paul said and stirred up a riot. The mob, unable to find Paul or Silas, found the man whose house they were staying at. They dragged Jason - for that was his name - before the city authorities and made accusations that were a mixture of lies and truth. They claimed that Paul and his mates were causing trouble all over the world (not quite true) and that they were saying that there was another king besides Caesar - one called Jesus. That much was true.

Jason was eventually released on bail with presumably a number of conditions, but it was seriously unsettling. The new believers in Thessalonica (as it was called then) sent Paul and Silas away under cover of darkness. 

They must have felt pretty chastened as they left. But I am reminded that Christian mission is not waltzing from one glory to another; there are often real setbacks along the way. 

Perhaps that should be along the Way. 

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